dimanche 12 août 2018



Typical signs

Fungus mycosis, a disease primarily caused by a fungus called Candida albicans, is a troubling infection for the majority of women affected. This is mainly due to its location and therefore the significant inconvenience.

Indeed, several factors can disturb the microbiological balance of the intimate region and consequently favor an abnormal (generally excessive) development of the fungus causing the vaginal mycosis. Hormonal change (menstruation), pregnancy (usually during the third trimester), diabetes, thyroid disorders, taking a pill or certain medications such as antibiotics, insufficient or excessive personal hygiene, immune system disorders or even stress are all conditions. conditions that may promote the development of vaginal thrush.

Some typical symptoms, such as abnormal vaginal discharge and unbearable itching, will undoubtedly lead you to suspect vaginal thrush. But when should you consult a gynecologist? Indeed, some situations should not make you hesitate for a long time especially if you detect the symptoms of a vaginal infection for the first time, if you have doubts about the presence of fungal infection, if the symptoms persist even after treatment or if you develop other symptoms.

So be careful because some complications of vaginal thrush can occur. If you do not receive appropriate treatment, chronic and recurrent infections may occur, and possible reinfection may also occur. Secondary infection can easily occur, and severe itching of the skin of the vulva can cause cracks that will make the area more susceptible to infection.

Prevention of a vaginal mycosis

For all these reasons, it is advisable to prevent the appearance of the vaginal mycosis by following some advices, which are of a not insignificant efficiency. Some simple actions are sometimes enough to avoid the embarrassment caused by fungus: pay particular attention to your personal hygiene and the type of materials you wear (always favor the cotton), use condoms to avoid catching or to spread sexually transmitted diseases. And do not forget to control your sugar level especially in case of diabetes, because the excess sugar only feeds your mushrooms and makes you take extra pounds!
Infection of the genitals with vaginal thrush
Candida albicans, a unicellular fungus belonging to the yeast family, is a form of yeast found in different parts of the body, along the digestive system and in the woman's vagina. Indeed, because of its temperature and humidity conditions, the vagina is a perfect environment for the development of this type of microorganisms involved in the appearance of a vaginal mycosis.

It is certainly a very painful disease, which causes 75% of women to suffer at least once in their life and force 30% of them to go frequently to the gynecologist because of the recurrent nature of this infection . Vaginal mycosis most often requires painful and long-term treatment. This treatment is essentially based on the application of certain fungicidal preparations supplemented by a good diet that avoids excess sugar. However, even the most radical cure for vaginal thrush is almost never successful because, in most cases, it is only the symptoms that are treated and the causative factor of the disease is often poorly understood.

Vaginal mycosis may be the result of nutritional deficiencies and / or immune weakness. It is therefore recommended to use vitamin and mineral preparations from the onset of the first symptoms until the complete disappearance of the disease. This type of supplement can be used in parallel with conventional drugs, with the exception of vaginal capsules. For example, vitamin C and echinacea are particularly known to strengthen the immune system which is mostly weakened. It is also possible to use probiotics and prebiotics to promote the development of good microbial flora in the body involved in an anti-inflammatory and anti-mycotic.

Unfortunately, many women fail to distinguish vaginal thrush from other diseases of the urinary-genital system. Indeed, about 90% of women who have never had such an infection are unable to recognize it, although they are well acquainted with the symptoms of mycotic infection as well as other gynecological diseases.

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